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LIVERPOOL Fc 29-05-2015   Sala della Memoria Heysel   Museo Virtuale Multimediale
Cerimonie Liverpool Football Club 29.05.2015
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Comunicato Ufficiale in Memoria delle 39 Vittime
30° Anniversario Strage Stadio Heysel Bruxelles
Centenary Stand "Anfield Road Stadium" Liverpool 29.05.2015
Cerimonia Pubblica in Memoria della Strage dello Stadio Heysel
Commemorazione a Cura del Liverpool Football Club
Con la Partecipazione della Juventus Football Club
Phil Neal Gianluca Pessotto Massimo Bonini

30° Liverpool FC 2015

Heysel, la cerimonia a Liverpool

Gianluca Pessotto e Massimo Bonini hanno partecipato ad Anfield al ricordo delle vittime.

Torino, Liverpool e Bruxelles unite nel dolore e nel ricordo. Nel trentennale della tragedia dell’Heysel in ognuna delle tre città si commemorano le vittime innocenti del 29 maggio 1985. A Torino questa sera si terrà la Santa Messa nella Chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio, cui parteciperanno i giocatori della Prima Squadra, lo staff tecnico e i dirigenti della Juventus. Questa mattina il presidente del J-Museum Paolo Garimberti e Sergio Brio erano presenti alla cerimonia che si è tenuta a Bruxelles. A Liverpool sono stati Gianluca Pessotto e Massimo Bonini a deporre una corona di fiori ai piedi della targa che ad Anfield ricorda le 39 vittime, così come Phil Neal, capitano del Liverpool in quella tragica notte. Fonte: © 29 maggio 2015 Fotografie: © GETTY IMAGES © (Not for Commercial Use)

29th May 2015

LFC marks 30th anniversary of Heysel

Liverpool FC today marks the 30th anniversary of the Heysel Stadium disaster, in which 39 football fans lost their lives in Belgium.

The disaster occurred before the European Cup final between the Reds and Juventus on May 29, 1985, when events in Block Z of the stadium tragically led to the deaths of 39 people - mostly Juventus supporters - and left hundreds more injured. As a mark of respect to those who died, the club's chaplain, Bill Bygroves, held a private memorial service this morning at Anfield. A floral tribute was placed by Phil Neal, Liverpool captain at the time of the disaster, at the foot of the Heysel memorial plaque in the Centenary Stand. Juventus sporting director Gianluca Pessotto and former player Massimo Bonini also laid 39 white lilies at the memorial, one for each life lost. Also in attendance to pay their respects were other former players who were at Heysel, club officials, representatives from UEFA and The FA, Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson, and Lord Mayor of Liverpool Tony Concepcion. Flags across all club sites are being flown at half-mast throughout the day and access to the Heysel memorial plaque is now open to the public. This evening in Italy, representatives from Liverpool, including club ambassador Ian Rush, will attend a mass at Chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio Church in Turin, having been invited by Juventus to pay their respects. Last weekend, the italian side's fans created a mosaic in the 39th minute of their home match with Napoli in memory of the 39. Neal said: "It was an honour for me to lay a wreath at the Heysel memorial today in remembrance of those who lost their lives. "What happened at Heysel will always be with me and everybody else who was there on that terrible day - we will never forget." Ian Ayre, Liverpool's chief executive officer, added: "Today marks 30 years since the tragedy at the Heysel Stadium. "This is - and always will be - a hugely important day in the history of Liverpool Football Club. We continue to remember those who lost their lives and everyone who has been impacted by the disaster. "I thank Juventus Football Club for inviting us to attend their mass in Turin and for their ongoing friendship." Pessotto said: "We did not hesitate to accept the invitation. It is a pleasure and we accepted with affection towards Liverpool. We know how sad they are about what happened. "There is the will from all involved - not only Liverpool but Juve, too - to establish an even stronger friendship and create other occasions to remember these people in the best way possible because sport will always triumph." Bonini reflected: "This is the least we can do. Unfortunately I was involved in that game. No-one should lose their life at a football match. It should have been a great celebration and that people lost their lives instead is unthinkable". Fonte: © 29th May 2015 (Testo © Video)


Hillsborough families join memorial service for

Heysel victims on 30th anniversary of disaster

di Alan Weston

39 Juventus fans died in tragedy at European Cup final between Liverpool and italian club on 29th May 1985.

Representatives of the Hillsborough families joined members of Liverpool FC’s 1985 squad at a private memorial service at Anfield to mark the 30th anniversary of the Heysel tragedy. A total of 39 fans died - with 600 more injured - when violence broke out between rival fans ahead of the European Cup final between Liverpool and Juventus. The short service took place at the Heysel memorial at Anfield this morning. Club chaplain Rev Bill Bygroves led the ceremony, with Phil Neal, who was club captain at Heysel, laying a wreath. Along with civic dignitaries, the service was attended by ambassadors from Juventus, and representatives from the Hillsborough Family Support Group. Margaret Aspinall, who chairs the group, said afterwards: "It was a very moving service. "The names were read out of the 39 who died, and tributes laid at the memorial. "The italian fans who died will never be forgotten, especially by the people of Liverpool. "Their families are suffering, just like ourselves. They were innocent people, and it’s important to remember them". Shrila Coleman, spokeswoman for the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, added: "There will always be strong links between the two cities and the two clubs. "Let’s hope we never go back to those dark days". Liverpool Town Hall flag was also flying at half mast. Fonte: © 29 Maggio 2015 Fotografia: GETTY IMAGES © (Not for Commercial Use)


Il Liverpool ricorda l’Heysel: "In memoria e amicizia"

Anche il Liverpool onora le 39 vittime, in gran parte italiane e juventine, della strage del 29 maggio 1985. L’home page del sito della squadra inglese, avversaria nella finale di Coppa dei campioni, ha pubblicato la frase inscritta nella lapide affissa su una parte dello stadio Anfield Road "In memoria e amicizia". A Liverpool Gianluca Pessotto e Massimo Bonini hanno deposto una corona di fiori ai piedi della targa che ad Anfield ricorda le 39 vittime, così come Phil Neal, capitano del Liverpool in quella tragica notte. Questa mattina il presidente del J-Museum Paolo Garimberti e Sergio Brio erano presenti alle cerimonia che si è tenuta a Bruxelles. Fonte: © 29 maggio 2015 Fotografie: GETTY IMAGES © (Not for Commercial Use)


Anche il Liverpool onora l'Heysel: "In Memoria e Amicizia"

Messaggio del club inglese a 30 anni dalla tragedia che costò la vita a 39 tifosi.

Nel giorno dei trent'anni dalla tragedia dell'Heysel, anche il Liverpool, che quella sera giocò la finale di Coppa dei Campioni contro la Juve, ha voluto ricordare le 39 vittime causate dagli hooligan dei Reds. "I nostri pensieri sono con le famiglie dei 39 tifosi che hanno perso le loro vite nella tragedia dell'Heysel di 30 anni fa", ha scritto il club inglese, accompagnando il messaggio con una foto e la scritta in italiano "In memoria e Amicizia". Fonte: © 29 maggio 2015 Fotografie: GETTY IMAGES © (Not for Commercial Use) Tweet: ©


Heysel: cerimonia anche a Liverpool

Presenti il sindaco e il capitano della squadra dell'85, Neal.

(ANSA) - TORINO, 29 MAG - Il trentennale dell'Heysel è stato ricordato anche ad Anfield, lo stadio del Liverpool, con una commemorazione privata tenuta, "come segno di rispetto per coloro che morirono", dal cappellano del club Bill Bygroves. Alla commemorazione ufficiale hanno preso parte l'ad Ian Ayre, il capitano dell'85, Phil Neal, e molti giocatori, oltre al sindaco di Liverpool. Gianluca Pessotto e Massimo Bonini, in rappresentanza della Juve, hanno deposto 39 gigli bianchi, uno per ogni vittima della tragedia. Fonte: © 29 maggio 2015 Fotografie: GETTY IMAGES © (Not for Commercial Use) © ©

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