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LIVERPOOL Fc 29-05-2012   Sala della Memoria Heysel   Museo Virtuale Multimediale
Cerimonia Liverpool Football Club 29.05.2012
   Cerimonie LFC   Cerimonie City   To Reds   39 Angeli   In Memoriam   Hillsborough 1989   
Centenary Stand "Anfield Road Stadium" Liverpool 29.05.2012
27° Anniversario Strage Stadio Heysel Bruxelles
Omaggio Floreale alla Lapide "In Memoria e Amicizia"
Commemorazione a Cura del Liverpool Football Club

LFC marks Heysel anniversary

Liverpool Football Club today remembers the 39 football fans who died when a wall collapsed at the Heysel Stadium in Belgium on this day 27 years ago.

29th May 2012 Managing director Ian Ayre left a floral tribute at the foot of the Heysel Memorial Plaque in the Centenary Stand this morning. The tragedy unfolded on May 29, 1985, at the European Cup final between Liverpool and Juventus, when what should have been one of the greatest nights in the club's history turned into a nightmare. Instead of leaving Brussels having seen our team lift a fifth European Cup, Liverpool supporters travelled back to England having witnessed the deaths of 39 football supporters including 32 italian fans of Juventus, four Belgians, two from France and one man from Northern Ireland. In Memoria e Amicizia, in Memory and Friendship: Rocco Acerra, Bruno Balli, Alfons Bos, Giancarlo Bruschera, Andrea Casula, Giovanni Casula, Nino Cerullo, Willy Chielens, Giuseppina Conti, Dirk Daeninckx, Dionisio Fabbro, Jacques François, Eugenio Gagliano, Francesco Galli, Giancarlo Gonnelli, Alberto Guarini, Giovacchino Landini, Roberto Lorentini, Barbara Lusci, Franco Martelli, Loris Messore, Gianni Mastroiaco, Sergio Bastino Mazzino, Luciano Rocco Papaluca, Luigi Pidone, Benito Pistolato, Patrick Radcliffe, Domenico Ragazzi, Antonio Ragnanese, Claude Robert, Mario Ronchi, Domenico Russo, Tarcisio Salvi, Gianfranco Sarto, Giuseppe Spolaore, Mario Spanu, Tarcisio Venturin, Jean Michel Walla, Claudio Zavaroni.  RIP - You'll Never Walk Alone. Fonte: © 29 maggio 2012 (Testo © Fotografie © Video)

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